At Home Options For The Single Mom Wanting A Full-Time Career

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Hey there mamas,

Welcome to another post in my info packed mompreneur series. In this post, I will share the best options for you single moms who are wanting to work full time from home. If a career is what you are after, then don’t worry. You can still have a successful full-time career from home while being a mom.  Read below to discover some great options.

At Home Options For The Single Mom Wanting A Full-Time Career 

Every mother can feel the pinch from time to time. The act of making money now and being a full-time parent is one of life’s major struggles. When you are the mother of young children, the finances are always going to be tight, especially without a partner who is working.

Sadly, we live in a world where both parents need to work full-time in order to get by. Being on your own makes it so much harder. So, if you are a single mom looking to start a career, but you have parental duties that take up a lot of your time, what are the best options for you?

Look For The Perks, Not The Job

If you are looking for a specific job, but the organization doesn’t have specific perks that benefit you or have the option to work remotely from home, you can feel somewhat disheartened. While most organizations will provide sick pay, which you can find out more on SSP guide – Statutory sick pay entitlement is something that can benefit you, especially if you’ve got children prone to getting ill, as they all are from time to time!

Not only this, but there are organizations that will offer free equipment for your home office, such as a laptop, certain software, etc.. These bigger organizations are always what parents should aim for because they are hotter on the aspects of the at home work-life balance.

Work from home mom |

A company that provides flexi-time, where you can start as early or as late as you can, within a specific time frame, is a godsend to a working parent. You can easily manage to still keep up with household duties, soccer practice, cooking dinner and everything else in your busy world and work enough hours to make that full-time income.  

Is It Worth Trying Freelance?

There are two schools of thought when it comes to freelancing as a mother, while there are many jobs out there for the budding freelancer, can you physically do these around your parenting duties? It requires a lot of planning and preparation, especially if you are given work with a strict deadline. Freelancing as a career option is something that many people are doing now because there are more perks in terms of flexibility.

Not many permanent organizations offer these perks, but if you are looking for a permanent job, it’s far better to look for these benefits. If you are stuck, freelancing is always a way to earn some money on the side, but it can take some time to build up a substantial income. However, if you can find the right clients, and do good work for them, they will hire you again and again. This gives you the balance of a regular income, where you can work from home, so you can structure your working hours around your children’s needs.

Home Career Options For Single Moms! |

If you have young children, and you are looking for a way to earn some money, freelancing might be the best option. As freelancing doesn’t have the perks of a permanent job, such as holidays and sick pay, you might find yourself in a quandary. When it comes to your children, they are always the priority, but there is always a way to earn some money, however little. It’s up to you whether you want to embark on an at home full-time career, because if you are, then you are in for a rollercoaster but don’t fret.

It is so worth it! You will be able to be home with your kids, giving them all of your time, energy and devotion. Even if some of that comes from behind a computer screen.  You will be making the right choice to stay home and work and be around for your kids. This way, you will never miss a wonderful moment!


Additional Options

If freelancing doesn’t sound like your thing, I got you mama. There are so many ways to earn a solid income from home. Working as a virtual assistant  or being a content editor or hey, even a blogger! Search the nifty web for more ideas because there are a lot out there!

I know you will find the right career and start on a new journey as an awesome mompreneur!

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Love, JessXO


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