What Is A Virtual Assistant Anyway?

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Hey mamas,

Have you been hearing the job title Virtual Assistant online a lot lately? Probably because it’s a pretty hot at home career right now, anyone who is anyone uses a Virtual Assistant or (VA). Wondering what these VA’s actually do? Here are some answers!

What Is A Virtual Assistant?


What is a virtual assistant? |neveralonemom.com
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I started my own home business as a Virtual Assistant a little over 7 years ago, I made the decision to become a VA after 5 years of struggling to find success in pretty much every home business out there. I needed to make money, I needed to have a “real job” I needed to stop wasting my time trying to sell every kind of fitness drink, mascara, vitamins, face cream, body wrap, online program or kitchen utensil on the market.

Stop trying to make money by posting ads, marketing for scammy companies, starting all these “home businesses” that made you pay a ton of money to get started only to not do what it promises to do and you find yourself in deep doo-doo.

None of that was working for me, I had to do something else, and after going back to school to receive what ended up being a completely useless degree and wasted, even more, time and money I couldn’t afford to waste, I decided to go back to the drawing board and start over.

I had seen the term Virtual Assistant around the internet for a while, with all of my home business researching and making contacts with women running successful home businesses I decided to figure out what a VA was and if it was something I could do.

Lo and behold I had found something that perfectly fit me, my skills, lifestyle, and what I wanted to do career-wise. After a few months of training with a virtual assistant company, a few program courses, and a newfound spring in my step, I made the leap forward into creating my own business as a VA.

I started with a website and a Facebook page and things slowly took after that. It took time to build a clientele but I ended up landing an amazing lifestyle brand account to manage and I was doing a happy dance!  Slow and steady wins the race! Anyway, so now to the main point of my little post…what is a virtual assistant anyway?

What Does A VA Do?


“A virtual assistant is someone who helps businesses or busy people remotely, from their home or office with administrative assistance. Seems pretty straightforward, doesn’t it? Virtual assistants are highly skilled professionals who leverage their talents and their time to help others check off their to-do lists.” -breagettingfit.com

Virtual assistant quote |neveralonemom.com
Image via Pinterest
What a virtual assistant (VA) is:

A VA is (usually) a contract based professional who works from their home office to provide a wide range of services for businesses and individuals. Some VA’s only specialize in specific areas such as websites, consulting, graphic design, or social media engagement.

Other VA’s are a jack of all trade workers and do a little bit of everything depending on their skill level. So whatever your business needs, there’s a VA out there that does it and is available to help you and get those tasks checked off your to-do list. Now isn’t that just splendid? 😀

Working as a VA is a wonderful career because it allows your schedule to be flexible so you can stay home with the kids and have plenty of time to keep up on household chores and the latest episodes of your favorite shows. 😉

You also can meet all kinds of amazing people and get the joy of helping them with things they need. You’ll get to use your creativity and enjoy providing much-needed support to businesses, influencers, and brands. If you would like to hire a VA, I can help you find the right person for you! Just contact me and I’ll point you in the right direction.


I no longer work as a  VA but loved my time spent as a boss lady!

Share this post before you go, and feel free to drop me a comment! If you’re a biz savvy mama then let’s be friends! Drop your email in the subscribe box and let’s keep in touch! You’ll get 3 free motherhood quote graphics to share on Instagram as a thank you!



Much love and many thanks!
-Jess XO

What is a virtual assistant anyway? |neveralonemom.com

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  1. Karla

    March 28, 2016 at 5:35 pm

    Great article! I have thought about being a VA but didn’t know how or where to start. Thanks for sharing

    1. neveralonemom

      March 28, 2016 at 5:39 pm

      That’s awesome! You’re very welcome, hope it helped. 🙂

  2. wickedwestphotography

    March 28, 2016 at 8:21 pm

    Thanks for sharing! I’m setting up my VA services now, and I’m devouring every bit of information I can find!


    1. neveralonemom

      March 28, 2016 at 10:36 pm

      That’s great and I love the name! That’s so awesome!

  3. artsbysofie

    March 29, 2016 at 1:45 am

    This brought me so much clarity! I feel like I never really knew what virtual assistants were but I just assumed I did. I don’t think I could ever be one though, I already struggle with keeping my own schedules straight.

    Amazing post!

    ~ Sofie

    1. neveralonemom

      March 29, 2016 at 1:47 am

      I’m so glad! Thanks! 🙂

  4. Rhonda Renee Swan

    April 22, 2016 at 8:18 pm

    I rely heavily on my virtual assistants to help me. Keep up the great work here on your blog and live unstoppable!

    1. neveralonemom

      April 23, 2016 at 12:46 am

      That’s awesome and thank you!!! 😀

  5. maxine

    August 1, 2016 at 1:15 am

    Love this article. Following you!

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