How Running A Business Is A Great Opportunity For A Single Mom

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Hey hey mamas!

I come to you with another post in my ongoing mompreneur series and I am excited about this one! If you know me, then you know I have been working from home in various businesses and niches for several years now, so my home business knowledge is pretty deep. So in this post, I want to share with you how running your own home business is the perfect opportunity for any single mom.

How Running A Business Is A Great Opportunity For A Single Mom

If you find yourself struggling to think of something that you could do with your time recently, then there are many options available to you. But when you really do feel that it might be time for a big change of some kind, one of the best things to consider is starting a business. Getting started in business might well be a little daunting, but the truth is it is also one of the best uses of your time which is huge in the life os a single mom.

Business is a great opportunity for a single mom, simply because you can generally run it from your home and still attend to your children as and when necessary. Let’s take a look at some of the major concerns you’ll need to consider when starting up your own business.

Woman sitting at laptop |


Spreading The Word

You are going to need to find a way to spread the word without really leaving the home, and at first it might seem as though that is not going to be easy or even possible. But the truth is that most marketing methods are digital these days, and even those which are not can easily be achieved from home if you know how.

By simply merchandising your brand on the likes of everyday items such as pens and other stationery, you can hope your business to really spread throughout the country. See here for more info on promotional branded pens, and you will see that it might be a great way to go. It is of course also worth spending some time on social media, which has become the best way to market any business these days.  So get on the ‘gram and start promoting! 


Developing The Product

You need some kind of product if you are to succeed in business, whether it is a physical item of some kind or even just a service which you can call a product. In either case, one of the first things you will find yourself doing is developing this product in such a way that it will be suitable for sale when you need it to be.

This means carrying out a lot of checks and so on, but that is vital if you want to make sure that it is going to sell as well as you would hope. Develop your product well, and you will be in a much better position with your business to see it become successful. If you feel like selling a physical product isn’t the type of business you want to create, then offering freelance services or online coaching or consulting are always fantastic options! 

Running a home business as a single mom is the perfect opportunity! |


Keeping Records

When you are a busy single mom, you often find that finding the time for something can be incredibly difficult. So when you set up a business, you might find it hard to do some of the nitty-gritty, such as keeping records of all of your expenses and income. However, not only will you find it helpful to do so, but it is also a legal responsibility.

It is therefore hugely important to make sure that you are keeping records in whatever way works for you, whether electronically or on paper so that your business can remain legitimate and you can keep your head above water too. There are so many avenues for running a business these days, and whether you want to be a lifestyle blogger, freelance social media marketer, or sell yoga pants, you are sure to discover your passion and build an empire!

Working from home as a single mom is key to making everything work in your life. You will have more quality time with your kids, more flexible hours, and best of all you will be the boss! For more tips on becoming a kick booty mompreneur, remember the three mistakes you must avoid!

I hope you are as thrilled about your journey as a mom boss as I am! Please share this post and leave me a comment telling me your mom boss dream and where you are with making it happen! Also, if you are not a member of my mom boss tribe, then subscribe today to keep up with all the awesomeness!

A collaboration 🙂

Love, JessXO

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