10 Tips To Boost Your Mental Health

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Hey mamas,

I’ve got a great guest post for you today from the lovely Sherry Kimball! If your mental health needs a bit of a boost (I think this is all of us right now!) then keep reading to learn some of Sherry’s great tips for boosting your mental health!

10 Tips To Boost Your Mental Health

According to the World Health Organization, mental health is characterized by a state of well-being. People can realize their abilities, cope with life’s stresses, work productively, and contribute to society. This article will help you to boost your mental health naturally.

According to the results of several studies, people with mental health disorders have a significant risk of developing cardiovascular and oncological diseases and premature death from such complications.

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Mental health, like bodily health, is given to us from birth. And throughout life, we can both strengthen and preserve it and waste it. We will bring your attention to 10 main factors that can enhance mental health.

Proper nutrition

Nutrition is the basis of physical health, which affects the psyche as well. An excess amount of food, a large amount of sugar, fat, and provoking a hormonal imbalance in the body can significantly affect the mental state.

Several diseases cause emotional instability – pathologies of the thyroid gland and the exchange of hormones, reproductive disorders, heart disease, etc.. In this case, it is complicated to remain calm and analyze your thoughts and behavior.

Physical activity

It does not only make you physically stronger but also has a positive effect on mental health. Full-fledged sports can saturate the body, and, which is essential, the brain with oxygen, trigger the release of hormones, tune in the right mood and eliminate depression.

Striving to understand yourself

It is an essential component, which can be formed through several mental health exercises:

  • acceptance of your strengths and weaknesses – an open admission to yourself of what you like and dislike;
  • learning to control your emotions and it is essential to understand their reasons;
  • revealing hidden talents and potential for solving specific problems. It is important to start trying yourself in several areas and to do what you find exciting.

Overcoming addictions 

First of all, obvious physical ones – smoking, alcohol abuse, and unnecessary “automatisms” – all this has no place in the life of a healthy person. Here you need to act very carefully, perhaps with a specialist’s help, mainly if the dependence has acquired a stable character and a pronounced degree.

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Stress resistance 

Stress management is part of self-control and emotional control training, but it is categorized as it includes training in relaxation techniques.

What is the use of knowing the reasons causing certain emotions in you if you cannot do anything about these reasons? You can only effectively resist unfavorable factors, and this is the key to success.

Change the way of thinking 

Performing each of the points, the person, without noticing it, already starts this process. However, changing your mindset from negative to positive is an all-encompassing process that requires daily effort. It is essential to:

  • if possible, protect yourself from negative information – stop watching sentimental programs, communicate with negatively-minded people, etc.
  • look for positive aspects in the surrounding circumstances;
  • stop criticizing everything from neighbors and bosses to the government;
  • do not succumb to despair, no matter how difficult the things are;
  • stop comparing yourself with anyone else – except perhaps with yourself yesterday and today;
  • positively perceive life in all its manifestations.
Sleep well

It is known that sleep disturbance can negatively affect a person’s mental health. For example, scientists claim that people who sleep less than 5 hours have a significantly higher risk of developing mental illness.

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Long-term sleep problems can reduce a person’s quality of life. Specialists at the Mayo Clinic, USA, recommend going to bed and getting up at the same time every day, even on weekends and during vacations, since adherence to the regime improves the quality of sleep and overall health.

Scientists recommend sleeping in a well-ventilated dark and quiet room and taking a warm bath or reading a book before bed.

Simultaneously, you should not use TVs, computers, and other electronic gadgets that can stimulate the brain, making it impossible to relax and fully rest. Also, experts recommend limiting alcohol, caffeine, and sugary foods before bed.

Favorite hobby

The Mental Health Foundation claims that workaholism also negatively affects mental health, as does the lack of work.

Therefore, psychologists recommend that retired or temporarily unemployed people focus on hobbies such as gardening or doing crossword puzzles. Such activities can also improve mood and psychological well-being.

Dream on

The psychological function of dreams in mental activity is the formation of images of a positive future. Dream. Dream in silence and with loved ones, friends, and colleagues. Right now, we all need as many different dreams as possible.

They embrace our life with optimism and hope, confidence that everything will work out. They create the mental health benefits necessary for health: activity, vigor, readiness for action, the mood for life – today, every day, and in the future. 

Get personal space

For many people, the home space is shared with others (family members and other loved ones, sometimes friends). To maintain your emotional stability, mental balance, and established relationships with people in a shared space, it is vital to find/create pauses during the day for silence and pay attention to mental health awareness

. Reduce the number of irritants for the senses from the external environment (light, color, sound, movement). Explain this to your family to perceive your behavior as rational and calm, not as a “manifestation of depression” or “mental health problems.”

Everyone needs privacy to read some mental health blogs or browse a couple of the best dating sites reviews. The nervous system, overloaded by the informational influence of the social environment, needs a state of rest to restore the level of functioning, resistance to stress, and maintain mental and physical health. 

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Scientists recommend setting goals for the current time, adhering to them throughout the year. Communicate with friends, family, and colleagues more often.

Celebrate your goals achieving, and if you make a mistake, for example, by breaking your diet, you should not scold yourself but try to return to the regime. Most importantly, try to respond adequately to any changes and think about the good.

You should remember that mental health matters a lot, and positive thinking is based not so much on the events of the surrounding world as on our reaction to them, and we can change it. We wish you good health!

Please share your experience with us. Which tip do you find the most useful for boosting mental health? Tell us in the comments below and don’t forget to subscribe for more great content (and freebies!) 


Author’s Bio:

Sherry is a consultant and been involved in many successful projects with a range of companies throughout the country. She enjoys researching, discussing, and writing on the topics of relationships, wellness, and lifestyle. When not absorbed in the latest gripping articles. Sherry loves cooking, doing sports, and otherwise spends far much time at the computer.

Sherry Kimball |neveralonemom.com

10 ways to boost your mental health |neveralonemom.com
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