The Top Skills A Mompreneur Needs

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Next up in my mompreneur series I will be writing about the top skills you will need as a rock star mompreneur. Read on to find out what skills you will need in your arsenal of awesomeness.

The Top Skills A Mompreneur Needs

Being an entrepreneur and a single mom is no easy feat. Both raising children and running a business are full-time commitments, and they have a lot of similarities. You have to nurture them to help them grow so you can be proud of them and yourself. If you want to be a successful entrepreneur in the modern world, you need to get yourself some tech skills. You might run a business selling knitted soft toys or all-natural bath products, but you need the technical knowledge to hold up the backbone of your business. These tech skills are excellent choices to learn if you want to be a better entrepreneur.

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Coding Skills

If you’ve paid any attention to the latest advice on skills for the future, you’ll have heard about coding. There are plenty of projects trying to get kids interested in coding, as well as some specifically aimed at girls and women. Learning a coding language can give you a useful skill, and learning two or more will get you on your way to a business. You might want to start off with some HTML training and begin building web pages. CSS is a good choice too, helping you with the design side of things. Coding isn’t too hard to pick up – it’s so easy that a child can do it. I took an HTML course in college and it was really cool!!! 

Accounting and Bookkeeping

These might not seem like particularly technical skills. After all, everyone can do a few sums if they need to. However, today’s accounting and bookkeeping involve not just understanding the concept of how to manage your accounts but also a lot of software and tech tools. As you grow your business, you might get someone else to run your accounts for you. But until you can afford to do that, you’re likely to have to do it yourself. Getting a firm grip on your chosen software, which might be cloud-based, will help you keep everything straight.

Graphic Design

Graphic design skills are by no means essential, but they can be very useful. When you’re just starting your business, it can get expensive to ask a professional every time you need even a small graphic made for you. But you don’t want to underpay somewhere, and attempting graphic design without the right skills can end in disaster. It doesn’t take long to learn how to make a basic image and develop some design skills. You can even find applications that make it much easier to put an image together. I highly recommend using Canva or Design Wizard which will help you create amazing and professional graphics easily and for a much lower cost. You will love designing and creating your grpahics, it’s one of my favorite parts! 


Entrepreneurs need to be great communicators using a variety of methods. You might have to talk to someone in person or over the phone sorted, but the technical stuff is important too. From email and instant messaging to using various apps and making video conference calls, getting to grip with communication technology can do a lot for you as an entrepreneur.

Woman's hand on desk - the skills a mompreneur needs |

Single moms who want to be entrepreneurs should look into tech skills if they want to set themselves up for the future. You could go a long way with the right skills, whether you focus on one of them or use them as complementary skills. Another skill that is necessary but basically a no-brainer is social media.  You will want to be an expert in that department, no matter what your business is.

I hope this has helped you in continuing your mompreneur journey! Please share this post and make sure you’re subscribed to my sweet as sugar mailing list!

A collaboration 🙂

Love, Jessxo

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