Tips To Find Your Personal Style

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Hey girl,

Before I discovered these tips, I found my wardrobe was starting to feel a bit bland or plain. This plainness could be because I hadn’t yet found the right style that worked for me. Don’t worry. I’ll walk you through some of the best tips to find your personal style if you’ve also been looking for ways to update your wardrobe and find the styles that speak to you.

Tips To Find Your Personal Style 

Tips to find your personal style - woman shopping for clothes |
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Practice Window Shopping

One of the best ways to learn about style is to window shop—or browse clothes without buying anything. Instead of spending money on clothes while I was still trying to understand my preferred style, I familiarized myself with brands, trends, and general fashion styles that I thought could be on my radar. I encourage you to try on clothes to find out what you feel best in. Make a list of items and brands you enjoy to help you identify what it is about these items that resonate with you.

Use Social Media for Inspiration

Window shopping is an excellent way to see fashion trends and examples in your area, but finding clothes online is also a great way to find your personal style. I used (and still use) social media apps, such as Pinterest and Instagram, to browse clothing trends and aesthetics that fit my personal tastes. You can also use apps like these to explore clothing trends outside your comfort zone that you might like to try. Once you have a better idea of your personal aesthetic and clothing styles that match, try mimicking some of your favorite outfits and looks you find online.

Having favorite style influencers is another great tip! Following style influencers that have a similar style to you, similar body type, lifestyle, or are simply very knowledgable about fashion is fantastic for not only keeping up with different styles, trends, sales, and more but for seeing these styles worn on someone that inspires you. They don’t call them influencers for nothing! Speaking of…are you following me on Instagram? If not, we should fix that. 😉

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Learn Which Styles and Accessories Suit You

The biggest thing to consider when finding your personal style is what you feel most comfortable in. However, it also helps to consider what outfits and accessories suit you best. Everyone has different methods of finding what works best for them when it comes to choosing the right fashion accessories. These methods could be as simple as getting a friend or loved one’s advice or as complex as scheduling a professional color assessment.

Now that you know some of the best tips to find your personal style through fashion, you can tailor your wardrobe accordingly. Let me know which tips you try for yourself or if you have any other tips and tricks for nailing down your personal style!

Thanks so much for reading and come back soon for more style tips! Also, make sure you’re subscribed before you leave so you don’t miss a thang!

Much love, JessXO 

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