How To Add More Fun To Your Style

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Hey girlfriend,

Summer is a time for having fun with your fashion. You need to dress comfortably for the hot weather, but you should also think about ways to be more colorful and sparkly while the skies are bright blue.

Your style can be fun and fresh whenever you want it to be but it especially needs some fun right now! But if you’re not sure about transitioning your wardrobe from the basic, earthy colors of autumn and spring into the current season, I’ll show you how to add more fun to your style! 

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How To Add More Fun To Your Style 



Add Some Patterns

Patterns catch the eye and make your outfit a little more ‘loud’, although they’re not overbearing if that’s something you’re worried about. Classic prints such as black and white stripes, and dots, are great choices for not rocking the boat and accidentally putting on something outdated or even too much of a pattern that may make you look like a grandma….stick with a classic pattern and your style will thank you after a long day out and about – you’ll be the best-dressed person on the street! 

Or if classic is too dull for you, something like muted tie-dye or a modern take on a paisley print more be more your thing. Find a pattern that speaks to you and rock it! Just remember my advice from above and try not to go the grandma route…

Add Unusual Jewelry

Unusual jewelry, such as a tongue stud like one of these, are amazing for adding fun to an outfit. Big spiky rings, statement necklaces, bangles that go all the way up the forearm – they’re all stylish accessories that make your look a bit different. If you’ve only got basics on underneath, like a cami top and a cardigan, or your bag is a bit small and plain, items like these will add a lot of depth. 


Add a Belt

A belt, which is such a simple item, can do a lot for your style. After all, it can add more ‘shape’ to a look, and ‘cinch’ in unruly fabrics around the waist and midriff. This is good news for you, as such styling will help to accentuate your best assets without you being too comfortable in what you’re wearing. 

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If you’re not one for short shorts or mini dresses when the weather gets hot, a belt will bring in that long-leg but otherwise shapeless dress. You’ll look and feel good while you’re wearing the outfit!


Add Some Underlayers

Underlayers are all the rage right now. From long-sleeve or ribbed short-sleeve tops under denim jackets to patterned sheer tights under shorts and skirts, you can find a lot of creativity in layering your outfits. Your style has a lot to offer when you can combine pieces like this, and you can have fun simply in choosing what goes with what. 


Make sure you don’t overheat in the layers you’re wearing, of course, but be sure to add some dimension to what you’re planning to wear with a bit more in the way of fabric. You can make one outfit completely different to another when you’ve got a fresh underlayer on, even if the top layer is something you wore yesterday! 

Add a funky hat! 

A lot of hat styles are back on trend for the season and it could be a really fun way to add something extra to spice up a casual outfit. Maybe a fun nostalgic bucket hat? A baseball cap with a smiley face? A big floppy sun hat? Find a hat that suits your look, personality, or head shape and there you go!


Adding fun to your style isn’t hard. Just think outside the box a little, and have fun during the actual creation process. What is your favorite way to add a pop of fun to your style? Let me know!

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Much love, Jess XO 


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