How To Transition Your Wardrobe From Summer To Fall

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Hey girlfriend,

If you haven’t begun already, you might want to start remodeling your wardrobe for the fall season. With summer still in full swing, it can be hard to determine when to shift over into your fall wardrobe. If you shift over transitionally, we think you’ll have a little bit of everything prepared to keep yourself ahead of the weather. So here are tips on how to transition your wardrobe from summer to fall.

How To Transition Your Wardrobe From Summer To Fall

How to transition your wardrobe from summer to fall |
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Layering Your Clothes

You may benefit from using your summer and autumn clothes in your wardrobe. That way, you can keep your winter clothes properly stored. Before pulling out all the coats, jackets, and pants, we suggest layering your summer clothing with lighter autumn items to give you the right amount of coverage on those chilly days.

Throw a lightweight cardigan over or tee or tank with shorts and sneakers for an effortless outfit that works with the slowly dropping temperatures. Or wear a denim jacket over your sleeveless dress for a casual but still dressed-up look.

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Keep Your Summer Clothing

You might notice that the weather tends to fluctuate. By holding on to your summer clothing, you can alternate when you’re layering so that you can have your summer clothes on underneath if the sun decides to come out. It could also be a comfort to have lighter clothing if you prefer cooler weather, so there are many reasons to keep your summer clothes out of storage.

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Introduce Dark Colors

If you’re solely wearing your summer clothing, your outfits will tend to be lighter. Fall clothing becomes darker so that you can transition into winter. If you have a few darker pieces, you can gradually alternate them and wear them more frequently as the weather patterns change. This way, you’ll feel prepared when you’re finally in autumn.

Bring out colors such as sage green, olive, burnt orange, and red to start incorporating those lovely fall colors in your outfits along with your neutrals such as white, tan, black, etc to gently mix and match the colors of the seasons.


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Fall Textures & Fabrics

Another great tip when transitioning to a summer to fall wardrobe is to gently incorporate some fall textures and fabrics in with your summer looks. Wearing a sweater tank or sweater vest, or a button-up flannel over a grpahic tee.

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Textured fabrics such as corduroy, or even a crochet pattern are perfect for this transition period. So even if you’re not ready to say goodbye to summer ( I’m crying in my iced coffee) we must accept that fall is on its way and it’s time to get ahead of the game and have our wardrobe ready.

For more tips and inspiration for summer to fall transition outfits, go here! I hope you’ve enjoyed these tips for transitioning into your summer to fall looks and please consider supporting my content by subscribing before you go so you never miss a thang!

Much love, JessXO

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