5 Fun and Easy Crafts To Do With Your Kids

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Hey friend,

I don’t think I’m alone in saying that entertaining kids isn’t always easy, and some crafts are a bit messier than others. You also have to keep your child’s interest in mind since a boring activity won’t keep your little one entertained for long. I’ve got five fun and easy crafts to do with your kids that the two of you are sure to have a blast doing!

So scroll along to get inspired for some fun crafts that hopefully you and your kiddo will enjoy! If my son wasn’t in the midst of his pre-teen angst, we would so be doing these! How I miss the days of having a little one! Anyway…onto the crafts!

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5 Fun & Easy Crafts To Do With Your Kids

Tie-Dye T-Shirts

What could be more fun than tie-dye? Not only is this a great way to get creative together, but you can also use it to teach your kiddo about colors—mix a red and blue dye to get purple. I love trying out new designs, like the classic spiral, a bullseye, or a different technique. What’s important is the two of you create unique shirts while also having a great time.

Here is an easy-to-follow convenient tie-dye kit for under $20.  But hurry, this is currently on sale for 30% off, so snag it now! (shirts not included)

Fun crafts to do with kids |neveralonemom.com
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Make Your Own Slime

I know, I know…slime? Plenty of kids love making slime, and this is an easy project you can do at home. All you’ll need is some Elmer’s glue, contact solution, and baking soda! First, combine 8 oz of glue with 1 ½ tablespoon of contact solution and 1 tablespoon of baking soda. To make that slime extra cool, I like to add in some glow-in-the-dark pigment powder so that it’s fun to play with during the day and at night.

My son and I did do this a few times when he was younger and it was a huge hit! Definitely worth all the mess…and yes, there is a LOT of mess haha…

Sew Homemade Scrunchies

Scrunchies always come in handy; I always have one around my wrist. And when you create your own, you’ve got a fun craft. This is great for older kids who want to learn to sew. Plus, you can sew this by hand or with a machine. Girl moms, this one is for you! Begin by gathering the essentials:

  • Fabric
  • Elastic
  • Pins
  • Scissors

You’ll begin by measuring and cutting your fabric to size, which is about 10 by 50 cm. Next, fold it over so that you see the “wrong side,” then pin and sew it along the edge while leaving the top and bottom section open. Finally, reverse the fabric through one of the two openings, then put the elastic through it and sew these ends together.
Gift Science and Craft Subscriptions for Kids

Create Puppets

If you need a fun and easy craft to do with your kids that’ll entertain them even after you finish this activity, DIY puppets are the way to go! You can create the classic sock puppet or some from paper bags. Together, the two of you can even make a stage with a cardboard box so that your child can put on entertaining shows for the whole family.

Do Seasonal Crafts

Seasonal crafts are another great way to occupy the kiddos. In spring, you can paint beautiful flowerpots together, or you can create paper snowflakes in winter. I love this because it gives me adorable decorations to put around the house, plus it’s a great memory for the kids!

I hope these crafts are just what you and your kiddo need for a good time! Having fun and spending time with our children is so important. Oh hey, before you go, make sure you’re subscribed so you never miss out on new posts, updates, giveaways, or FREEBIES! 

Love, JessXO 

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