4 Secrets to a Healthier Relationship With Your Partner

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Ladies, I will start by saying that I’m no professional regarding relationships. But I can confidently say that I’ve learned a lot over the years and would be happy to share my four secrets to a healthier relationship with your partner.

A healthy relationship starts with both parties, and both need to put in an equal effort; otherwise, the relationship will continue to struggle. So let’s chat about some ways you and your partner can improve your connection.

4 Secrets To A Healthier Relationship 


As cliché as it sounds, communication is the key to succeeding in just about everything, including having a healthy relationship with your loved one.

People (including myself) often assume that the other person can read our minds, but unfortunately (or fortunately for some), this isn’t Twilight, and our partner isn’t Edward Cullen.

If you want something done, feel upset about something they said, or anything else you need to share with them, you’ve got to say it.

Secrets to a healthier relationship | neveralonemom.com
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Communication and listening go hand-in-hand. A healthy relationship needs productive communication, which means being a good listener for your loved one. So when they explain their feelings, try not to judge and consider what they’re saying.

A couple can have a screaming match, but the only thing that can bring it to a halt is having a calm, open discussion about a situation instead.


Without respect, it isn’t a relationship at all. It’s a sinking ship.

If you disagree with something they’re saying, avoid rolling your eyes or showing them your disapproval. If your partner isn’t respecting you, try to talk to them about how it makes you feel and focus on your feelings without accusing them, as that can quickly lead to a misunderstanding.

When couples respect each other, they listen more and have more trust, which is a great foundation for a healthy relationship.

Hard Work

Okay, ladies, relationships aren’t all fun and games. Sure, it can be fun most of the time, but you’ve got to put in the work during the not-so-fun times.

Great relationships take time and effort; without those things, you’re together without a meaningful connection.

When you feel like you want to give up on the other person, ask yourself if you and the other person tried hard enough to keep each other. Is the relationship worth fighting for?

Quality Time

When we’re in our 20s and 30s, it’s easy to get distracted with kids, families, friends, and obligations, and we can quickly lose sight of our partners.

Furthermore, I’ve learned that when couples constantly hang out with friends, you can fall into a rut without even realizing it. Hanging out in a group more than having quality time alone together can actually be quite damaging.

Take some time out of your busy schedules and do something just for the two of you.

Anniversaries are the perfect time to reignite your relationship and remember why you’re together in the first place. Taking the time to create thoughtful anniversary ideas that’ll impress your partner is a great way to show them how much you care.

Heed my advice and follow the above four secrets to a healthy relationship with your partner to reinvent the romance in your relationship. Don’t worry; you can thank me later.

Let’s stay connected! Be sure to subscribe to my email list before you go so you never miss a thang, girl!

Love, JessXO 

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