Reset With Splendid Spoon!

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Hi Friend,

Soup season is in full swing so there’s no better time to talk about the new Reset program from Splendid Spoon! I have shared the yummy goodness of Splendid Spoon with you before, but if you’re not familiar, I will introduce you to them below!

Now, let’s talk healthy food!

Eat Healthy With Splendid Spoon

Splendid Spoon is an amazing meal delivery subscription that sends yummy soups, smoothies, & much more straight to your door! So awesome, right?  

What is the Reset? The Reset program is made up of light soups: ​​Butternut Turmeric, Cauliflower Potato Chowder, Fennel Consommé, Garden Minestrone & Lentil & Kale.

How should you Reset? A reset day could be a single day or a single meal where you take time off to show your gut a little TLC. For starters, I would recommend eating one reset meal (ideally lunch or dinner) at least 2-3 times a week. This will allow your body a chance to wind down after a busy day and get cozy with your soup of choice!

Follow their Reset program with 100% plant-based smoothies, soups, grain bowls, and noodle bowls. PLANT-BASED EATING is the single most effective tool we have to feel our best day in and day out. So choose your nutrition wisely and opt for plant-based options! Splendid Spoon has so many yummy and hearty soups and other meal options to fill your heart and your tummy! 

How To Get Started

Simply click here to be directed right to Splendid Spoon and check out all of their options including the new Reset program!

Enjoy healthy meals delivered straight to your door for easy meal planning and no need to shop or cook! Splendid Spoon is an amazing meal delivery subscription that your wallet and spoon will love! Sign up today and reset your life!

Before you go, make sure you’re subscribed to my email list so you never miss out on new posts, updates, and a big announcement coming soon! Plus, there are motherhood quote graphic FREEBIES in it for ya!

Love, JessXO 

Reset with Splendid Spoon |
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