Essential Tips for Improving Your Quality of Sleep

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Hey friend,

Do you have trouble sleeping? Cause’ same. All you want is sleep, but instead, you’re tossing and turning, then waking up cranky. However, I have some ways that can help you get a good night’s rest! Keep reading to learn about my essential tips for improving your quality of sleep.

How To Improve Your Quality Of Sleep

Don’t Use Technology in Bed

At the end of a long day, who doesn’t love snuggling into bed with their favorite device? Whether it’s your phone, tablet, or laptop, something is keeping you entertained. However, your device can keep you away from a good’s night sleep.

I understand how easy it is to get swept into the digital world. You may say, “I’m only going to scroll on Instagram for 15 minutes,” but then it’s an hour later, and you’re looking at a compilation of cat videos. Luckily, you can get a restful sleep by stopping your technology consumption at least an hour before bed.

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Avoid Caffeine in the Evening

Mamas, I know we’re all aware of the afternoon slump. Your energy is running low, but you still have things to get done. You may feel inclined to grab a cup of coffee or energy drink, but that’s not the way to go. If you drink caffeine in the evening, it will keep you up all night. Therefore, the best time to consume caffeine is in the morning.

Deny the urge for that Starbucks run on the way home and instead opt for something decaffeinated or even a tasty snack to get your energy back up.

Try Natural Sleep Aids

Sometimes, we need help falling asleep, and that’s ok. Natural sleep aids can help you achieve a good night’s rest, letting you wake up refreshed. In addition, you can either take supplements or essential oils for sleep; they will work to initiate the sleep process.

Create a Sleep Routine

As humans, we’re creatures of habit, and we like to fall into routines. If you’re looking to improve your sleep, create a sleep routine! No, I’m not talking about sleeping on your side for an hour, then switching to your back for another three hours. I’m talking about doing a few things leading up to your bedtime.

For example, you may take a bath, read a chapter of a book, or journal for 30 minutes. You can do anything that will get your brain into “sleepy time” mode. Your body will fall into a schedule, and you will improve your sleep habits.

Sleep is important to all of us. We get our energy for the day from a restful night. However, our sleeping patterns could be better. Luckily, there are ways to get a better night’s rest. I hope my essential tips for improving your quality of sleep were helpful to you.

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Love, JessXO 

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