Roll Up Your Sleeves: A Summer Guide To Cleaning Your House

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Hey, there friend,

Summer is my favorite season of all. There’s nothing better than taking the kids to the local pool and having bonfires at night. In recent years, I’ve also found that summer is the perfect time to deep clean your house. Why? The kiddos are around, and they can lend a helping hand! Follow this summer guide to cleaning your house if you want to spruce things up this season.

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A Summer Guide To Cleaning Your House

Guide to summer cleaning |
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Start With the Bathrooms

Bathrooms are some of the dirtiest places in your home! That’s why it should be first on your summer cleaning checklist. Start by scrubbing the grout and or walls in the shower. Moisture can make this area very gross, so you must give it a good scrub every once in a while.

Once that’s done, you should wash the mirrors and countertops. These areas also get yucky from people brushing their teeth. Finally, utilize your toilet brush, and you’ll have the perfect bathroom.

Move Onto the Kitchen

The kitchen is the heart of the home. You should clean it this summer before you host all those summer parties. Be sure to scrub the countertops with a disinfectant wipe to get rid of any food residue. Don’t forget to wash out your sink, too; I always make a mess in my sink when I’m cooking. Be sure to use quality non-toxic cleaners to keep your family healthy and safe.

The Kids Rooms

Summer is the perfect time to get into your kid’s rooms and purge all the old toys, books, clothes, etc that they have outgrown or just no longer use. Donate the old, clear the clutter, and deep clean and prep for a new year!

Consider even upgrading their furniture (if it’s in your budget, of course!) and maybe even new decor! Get them involved to help clean up their space, organize all their stuff, and finally not be stepping on Legos! Washing their bedsheets is a great idea too!

The All-Important Living Room

I don’t know about you guys, but most families spend most of their time in the living room. As a result of this, the room can get pretty messy. This summer, I decided to dedicate an entire day to clean this spot. I dusted every nook and cranny I could find. I also looked up different types of carpet cleaning techniques so my floor would look brand-new again. Let me tell you, it took a lot of work, but it was worth it!

This summer guide to cleaning your home will help make your place look spectacular. Last year was such a drag; no one could have any celebrations. We have to make up for it this year and have as many bashes as possible! If you follow this guide, you’ll certainly be successful.

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Love, JessXO 

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