Tips For Kids Playing The Piano

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Hey there, mama friend.

Kids learning piano is complex, and you would think learning it as a child would make you excel. However, even when learning how to play piano as a child, there are guaranteed struggles. Even the most gifted suffer from these challenges. I know it’s difficult, and teaching your child how to play is hard. These are the hardest parts of kids playing the piano. Still, we think you can overcome these challenges with your little one.

Tips For Kids Playing The Piano 

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Your Child Doesn’t Want To Play Piano

Your child may not want to play piano, and that’s OK. Many children will show some disinterest in what you think they’ll fall in love with overtime or something you enjoyed as a child. I’m there with you all the way. I thought my son would grow into enjoying the things I liked, but nope! If your little one shows disinterest, don’t feel down.

Your little one still needs encouragement, and if it doesn’t turn into a full-time hobby for them, encourage them to learn a favorite song to play for fun or in their free time. If your little one is interested, pick something close to the piano—such as a keyboard. That might be a little more fun and less classical.

They Have Stage Fright

Your little one may have some stage fright. But that’s OK, we all have that. One of the most challenging parts of learning piano is usually stage fright. At times, our little ones give up because they don’t like performing in front of others. When you get a moment with them, encourage them to perform in front of a few people at a time. This will help build their confidence.

Your Child Might Not Have Motivation

Your child might not have the motivation to play the piano, and that, too, is alright; sometimes, we don’t feel motivated. Have patience and remind your little one of the importance of practicing. In fact, talk with them about some fun ways to motivate them to play and have fun while doing it. Not only will it keep them busy, but it’ll teach them a lesson to finish something that they start and never stop trying.

Mama friend, learning an instrument is hard, especially for your child; however, the hardest parts of learning piano for kids shouldn’t deter you. Don’t stop here with your child. Keep reaching out and finding what prevents your young one from playing. Then, find a way to combat that feeling and keep playing the piano.

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Love, JessXO

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