Don’t Forget Your Chores! Age-Appropriate Chores for Kids
Hey mama friend,
Back when the world was sepia, and most Americans lived on farms, families often had a lot of children. Why? Because every kid was going to lend a helping hand for farm chores. The world may be in technicolor now—and farmers are far fewer—but we can still use this philosophy to help manage our houses and teach our kiddos some responsibility.
The trick is picking age-appropriate chores for kids. Here, I explain a few of the best ways little ones can help out. If your kids are willing to help out around the house (yay for you, I’m so jealous!) then here are a few great ideas to get them started living that chore life.
Age-Appropriate Chores For Kids

Tidying-Up as Toddlers (2-3)
Back in old-timey farm days, a kid who could toddle was old enough to go collect sticks for the wood-burning stove. Our littlest ones are capable of doing a few simple tasks as well—especially ones that don’t require a lot of coordination. A few tasks you might assign your toddlers include:
- Putting away toys
- Throwing away trash
- Putting books back on the shelf
- Putting dirty clothes into the hamper
- Dusting areas close to the ground
- Filling pet food bowls using a small cup
Picking Up as Preschoolers (4-5)
By the time old-fashioned farm kids were in the preschool age bracket, they could help in their mothers’ kitchen garden or glean corn with their fathers in the fields. For your kids, they can now do things that require a little more thought.
- Making their bed
- Sorting clothes
- Pulling weeds
- Watering the garden
- Helping with light groceries
- Setting and clearing the table
Getting Cleaned Up as Grade Schoolers (6-10)
By this point, a parent might send a farm kid out to bring in chicken eggs and churn butter, which parents might even sell to make some pocket money. Your grade school kids also have the dexterity and critical-thinking skills to do more complex tasks too.
- Taking out the trash
- Running the vacuum
- Wiping down the table, counters, or windows
- Emptying the dishwasher
- Sweeping the floor
- Walking the dog
Mopping Up as Middle Schoolers (11-13)
As a middle-school-aged farm kid, children would start accompanying their parents to help them do their tasks while learning how to do the tasks themselves. Your middle schoolers can complete many of the tasks you do, as long as they have your support.
- Wash the dishes
- Helping an adult cook dinner
- Washing bedsheets
- Keeping an eye on younger kids while parents are elsewhere in the house
- Mowing the lawn
- Changing a lightbulb
Helping Out as High Schoolers (14+)
By the time a child turned fourteen, they might be considered a full-time farmhand who could do all the things their parents could do. As a high schooler, almost every task is an age-appropriate chore for your kid.
- Babysitting siblings when parents are out
- Cooking a meal
- Cleaning the bathroom
- Picking up things at the store
- Completing more complex yard work
- Cleaning out the fridge.
However old your helping hands are, make sure you give them plenty of encouragement, and you’ll have a home that runs itself! Well, we can dream, right? Before you go, be sure to subscribe to my mama tribe so you never miss out on new posts with mom life tips, giveaways, fashion hauls, FREEBIES, & more! Subscribe below!
Love, JessXO
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