How To Help Your Child With Growing Pains

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Hey mama friend,

Growing pains typically phase out within a year or two after they start. In the meantime, though, they may mean bouts of agitating discomfort for your child. Whether your child experiences them early or later on, there are several approaches you can take to help minimize these aches. Here, I’ll dive into how to help your child with growing pains.

I’m in need of these tips myself, as my son is about to enter those oh-so-fun (sarcasm) preteen years and he has already begun to experience a few growing pains. So let’s get into it and discuss a few options that may be helpful for your weedlike child!

How To Help Your Child With Growing Pains

how to help your child with growing pains |
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Try Thermal Therapy

For muscle soreness, try thermal therapy. Heated packs soothe soreness, while ice packs reduce inflammation. I’ll typically set my child up with a warm pack on the couch an hour before bedtime to relieve any late-night pangs.

Upgrade Their Apparel

If you’ve ever experienced growing pains yourself, you know that sudden growth can feel awkward. Help your child adjust to new heights by maintaining a well-fitting wardrobe and equipping them with an adequately sized pair of shoes and a backpack.

Having correctly sized wear for your child isn’t just for the sake of emotional comfort, though. As you’ll find with safety backpack tips for parents, a correctly sized backpack reduces the risk of spinal compression, which is especially important as they grow.

Monitor Their Pain

As mentioned, most growing pains subside within a year or two. If your child’s pain doesn’t diminish or becomes difficult for them to bear, make an appointment to see their physician.

Discomfort that doesn’t decrease with time could signify an underlying musculoskeletal condition, which a doctor should assess. Clarify the following with your child before the visit so that they don’t have a difficult time conveying their experience to a professional:

  • Where the pain occurs
  • When the pain occurs throughout the day
  • How long the pain lasts and how intense it feels
  • Whether anything relieves the pain
  • Whether they experience symptoms in conjunction with growing pains, such as headaches or fatigue

Having growing pains is a unique experience for every child who gets them, which means how you help your child with growing pains may vary between different kids. The best thing you can do to cater to your child’s comfort is to communicate. Hearing my child’s point of view about their aches has definitely influenced my approach to helping them feel at ease.

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Love, JessXO 

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