Unique Birthday Presents To Give Loved Ones

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Hey friend,

If the birthday of one of your friends or family members is just over the horizon, consider a few unique birthday presents to give loved ones to make their day more memorable. Go above and beyond the standard card and gift them something they can savor and look back on in the years to come. Take the time to tailor your gift to their personality or use it to celebrate their achievements.

Unique Birthday Presents For A Loved One

Unique birthday gifts |neveralonemom.com
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Cook Them a Personalized Meal

Odds are you know what their favorite meal is, or at the very least what their favorite type of food is, whether that be meat, vegetables, fruits, pastries, seafood, or some combination thereof. Get a list of what they love and make it a special occasion by surprising them with their favorite meal.

You can add a personal touch by preparing everything yourself, but don’t feel bad if you don’t feel confident in your culinary abilities; I’m sure they won’t mind eating out instead.

A Relaxation Basket

If you know they’ve been under a lot of stress recently, show them that you realize how hard they’ve been working and give them an excuse to unwind a little bit.

Give them some bath salts, bath bombs, scented candles, maybe some wine, or a cozy blanket to get them comfortable. Take their birthday to remind them that they need some time to relax, too.

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Flower Necklaces

Take some inspiration from the Hawaiian Islands and adopt the tradition of the Hawaiian lei. A lei is a collection of flowers laced together with string and given on special occasions, such as birthdays, graduations, or weddings.

There are some traditional practices you should know, regarding the lei that can make the act of giving it away more meaningful than simply gifting a necklace.

Consider What You Think They Need

All gifts come from a place of seeing what someone needs and fulfilling that need, whether it be to give them some time to relax, or to highlight some of their accomplishments. Pay close attention to how they’ve been lately and come up with some special birthday gifts for your loved ones to cherish.

I hope these little tips will help you find the perfect gift for that special person and make gift-giving all the more personal! Share this post if you’d be so kind, and be sure to subscribe before you go so you never miss out on new posts, giveaways, FREEBIES, and more!

Love, JessXO

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