All Natural Birth Control – How To Track Your Cycle

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Hey mama friend,

Birth control can be a personal subject, and something a bit touchy and tricky. In an attempt to be more open about something that we should have an easier time discussing, I want to share with you an all-natural approach to birth control and your wellness in general. So if you’re wanting to learn how to track your female cycle and not rely on harmful hormones, you’ve come to the right place girl!

All Natural Birth Control-How To Track Your Cycle

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There are many forms of birth control out there, ranging from IUDs to shots, to weird devices and substances that dissolve inside your body…but ask yourself, do you really want all these strange things inside your body? Changing your hormones and potentially disrupting your natural cycle? Your answer should be no. But not to worry! There are other options out there.

Yes, we all know that methods such as ‘the pull-out’ are controversial, but I honestly don’t know why, because any gyno would tell you that it’s actually nearly as effective as more traditional birth control options ( if your man knows what he’s doing that is…) but even so, there is a better alternative that is still as effective as a birth control option if done correctly that won’t mess with your body’s natural rhythm.

How To Accurately Track Your Cycle

The method I want to chat about is tracking your cycle, learning your body’s schedule and communications, and using this information to accurately track where you are in your monthly cycle and engage in sexual activity accordingly. It sounds complicated, but don’t worry, it’s actually quite simple!

All women, no matter what their goals are for childbearing, should be following their monthly cycles. It’s important to know what is happening in your body and what the signals it’s sending to you mean. This way, you can more accurately know when to expect your visit from good ole’ Aunt Flo and very importantly, predict when you are ovulating.

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Knowing this information is key to not only be on top of your feminine health, but also for family planning. If not getting pregnant right now is your goal, but wanting to live traditional birth control free is also a goal, then this is the perfect solution. It also works the other way around too! If and when you are ready to conceive, you will already be familiar with your body’s schedule and it will help you know when the right time to have sex is and other details that will be helpful for successful conception.

So how do you figure all this out? Will you need to be an expert at math and be constantly counting days on your calendar? Nope! Lucky us for, we live in a generation where there’s literally an app for just about everything, and yes, there’s an app that will help you track your cycle! By using this app regularly and inputting the right information, you can predict when the safe and not-so-safe times for getting jiggy with it are. Yes, I said that…don’t @ me…

The What & How

The app is called Flo and she…(she?) ok going with it…she helps you easily track where you are in your cycle plus so much more insight into your health and fertility with little disruption to your daily life. Simply log your symptoms of the day (ex: type of discharge, mood, sleep, cramping, etc) plus logging your period every month and Flo will start to learn your body and accurately tell you what’s going on and when.

With this info,  you can schedule sex with your partner, (or whomever!) and know the percentage of your chances of getting pregnant. It’s not exactly the most romantic or spontaneous way to do things, but it’s smart and responsible.

Of course, there is always a chance of getting pregnant with unprotected sex, but only engaging on the safest days of your cycle is a proven and effective method of birth control, if done correctly by keeping close track of your cycle and paying attention to your body’s signals.

There is more to Flo as well, with daily health insights, personalized charts, secret chats, & more, Flo is a great app to use for keeping track of everything going on in your body! With both a free and paid version, it’s easy to see why Flo is the #1 rated women’s health app!

I personally have been using Flo for the last several years and can rely on her insights to know when my period is coming and when I ovulate. I feel more secure knowing when I’m safe to have sex and when I’m not, and I love knowing I can also track my sleep, weight, and mood as well!

To download Flo and start tracking your cycle, you can go right here! 

Learning about your feminine health is so very important, I encourage you to get on it and start using Flo today!

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Love, JessXO 

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