Activities To Get the Family Together

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Hey mama,

Spending time with the family can be one of those things that kids don’t appreciate at the time but will be memories that they cherish in the years to come. It’s important to get everyone together and spend time on some kind of activity—an allotted period where everyone can relax and have fun to decompress from the day. Whether you feel like staying inside or going outside, there are numerous family activities for getting everyone together.

Activities For Getting The Family Together 

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Activities To Do Outside

The number of activities to go out and do as a family is seemingly endless. Fostering a love of the outdoors early in a child’s life is important to healthy development.

Nature Preservation

Look into local nature preservations and go on nature walks together to explore the flora and fauna of where you live. The physical activity of walking is also a good exercise for the whole family.


Where there are nature preserves, there’s a good chance that there are camping sites. Spend a night, or even several nights, roughing it outdoors. Camping is a unique and standout experience for children of younger ages because it’s so alien to what they’re used to.

From Our Table To Yours

Make It Educational

Take everyone to a museum, whether that be a museum of history, art, motor vehicles, or an aquarium. Spend the day learning about the world around you and develop a love and interest for learning. Give learning a sense of exploration as you wind your way through exhibitions.

For When You Want To Stay Inside

For times when the weather is less than ideal or if everyone feels like a homebody, you can stay inside and still find fun activities to get the family together.

Family Dinner Night

Don’t just have everyone sit down for dinner but have everyone contribute something to the dinner. Get everyone involved in some form or fashion, whether that’s having them make their own favorite dish or having them help out with one of your own.

Game Night

Board games, table-top games, or video games are great for family game nights, as long as it’s something that everyone can participate in. If you have enough space, investing in a billiard table can have advantages beyond game night. You can even make up new rules to change up the experience on a time-tested game you’re all familiar with.

Time Together

Whatever your family chooses to do, make sure that it’s something that everyone can enjoy. The moment someone gets frustrated is the moment when whatever you’re doing falls apart. Keep everyone’s interests in mind while trying to encourage them to explore new things.

If you have other fun ideas let me know! These are just some basics to get the family party started! Please stick around and join my awesome mama tribe and never miss out on new posts, updates, giveaways, and some motherhood quote graphics sent to your inbox for FREE! 

Love, JessXO 

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