Decorating Mistakes To Avoid for a Safe Nursery
Hey mamas,
Let’s see if this sounds familiar to you. At some point, you looked yourself in the mirror and told yourself, “I will never be the kind of mom who hyperventilates every time my baby so much as sneezes.” Then, you found out you were pregnant, and suddenly you were fighting the urge to wrap every single corner in the house with bubble wrap.
While your instinct to protect your little ones is a good one, you can hold the bubble wrap because safety is within reach. Simply start by keeping in mind these decorating mistakes to avoid for a safe nursery.

How To Keep Your Nursery Safe
Don’t Paint Too Late
We know you have a lot going on right now, and there are things you will inevitably get to later than you want. But if there is one thing you really don’t want to put off until later, it’s painting the nursery. Paint often has harsh chemicals, and those chemicals can linger in the air for weeks after painting. You don’t want that in the air when you bring your baby in. You can also avoid the issue completely by using natural, non-VOC paints.
Don’t Use Baby Bumpers
If there is anywhere that needs to be safe for your baby, it’s the crib. After all, your baby will be spending more time there than almost anywhere else in the room. While you consider ways of improving your baby’s bedding, add leaving out baby bumpers to your list. Even though they’re cute and were invented to protect babies, nowadays, bumpers pose more threats than they protect from.
Don’t Make It Hard To Clean
At a distance, this tip sounds like it’s more about protecting your sanity than your baby’s health and safety, but don’t worry—it does both. Keeping babies from excess germs and dust protects them from illness and breathing issues, after all.
Try not to overcrowd the room with toys and objects your baby can’t actually enjoy yet and consider opting for a non-carpet option. All of these accumulate dust a lot quicker and, in the case of carpet, some can contain VOCs. Invest in solid diaper disposal as well, and make sure you have a spot ready for laundry.
Don’t Forget To Check the Recall List
This is especially important if you are using older hand-me-downs from other family members or vintage furniture. Safety standards are always changing for baby furniture, and this is especially true for cribs, toys, bedding, and mobiles. Even if your furniture isn’t on the recall list, it’s good to double-check it for defects. You will also want to inspect the furniture and decorative pieces for small parts that may fall off and become choking hazards.
It’s natural to want your baby to be protected from as many hazards as possible. While we can’t always keep every single danger out of the house, we can avoid common decorating mistakes for a safer nursery.
I hope you found these tips helpful! Especially if you’re a first-time mama, these are really good things to know!
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Much Love, JessXO

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