How To Start A Business As A Virtual Assistant

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Hey mamas,

In this post, I am excited to share with you a fantastic way to work from home by starting your own business as a virtual assistant. If that sounds like something you might be interested in, then stick around!

If ya’ll remember, I used to have my own virtual assistant (VA) biz. I loved it but over time I decided blogging was more my thing, but I am still very much in love with VA work and wanted to let you know about two amazing ladies who are offering something super special. All the info you need is below!

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How To Start A Business As A Virtual Assistant

Starting your own home business as a virtual assistant is not as daunting as it sounds ( I did it easily!) My friends Ariel & Tianna are awesome boss babes who can help you with everything you need to get started. If you are not even entirely sure what a virtual assistant is, you can learn more about that in my post here.

These ladies have joined forces and created the ultimate program that will get you up and running and ready to start your own VA business in no time.

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Ariel and Tianna are two WFHM’s (Work From Home Moms) who got started in the Virtual Assistant world almost a decade ago. They wanted to be able to stay home with their littles without sacrificing their career, and now they teach other mama’s who want to do the same!


After getting asked all of the time, “HOW can I work from home?” Ariel and Tianna developed a passion to help other moms find freedom in motherhood by providing dynamic Virtual Assistant coaching.

Their goal is to EMPOWER moms who are looking for an opportunity to work from home OR who are already working from home as a virtual assistant. They want to see you find success in your career AND your motherhood. No settling needed!

All-In Virtual Assistant Coaching Program:


What is in the program? 


Ariel and Tianna are taking mom’s through 4 phases to launch their Virtual Assistant career. The first phase involves creating your brand, setting your rate, and refining your online presence to attract clients.

The second phase is introductory to the VA world through their VA toolkit, dictionary, and sample tasks. The third phase walks you through reaching out to potential clients and the fourth phase teaches you how to manage clients. And that includes all their email, checklist, and contract templates. 

How do you access the course?

The course is through an online platform, so you receive an email with instructions to login within 24 hours of enrolling. You can access all of the content, anytime, and you never lose access!


So what does the coaching part of the program involve?


Members also get access to a private FB group where you are supported, encouraged, and kept accountable throughout your journey. It’s the main area for any live coaching you need. But there is also a weekly live group coaching call that all members can join anytime they have questions! 


Another special aspect of the FB group is that there are consistently job opportunities shared in the group as well as opportunities for intros to clients that reach out to Ariel and Tianna for placement.

How has it worked for others so far?


This process is exactly how Ariel and Tianna grew their Virtual Assistant careers. 


  • One of their students, Tatelyn, quit her 9-5 of 6 years within 2 weeks after this phase with a full-time position lined up. They introduced her to the client and even helped her negotiate her pay. 
  • Abby, another one of their students, booked her first interview just a few days into the reach outs phase.
  • Another student, Mercedes landed a client they directly intro’d her to using the confidence she gained during this phase.
  • Katie felt relief the first day she joined the program because it opened her eyes to all of the opportunities out there for her to quit her 9-5 and work from home. She had her first interview with a client one week later!

Is this sounding amazeballs or what?!

How To Get In On This Program:

If you want to enroll in the All-In Virtual Assistant Program, you can enroll by clicking here. I am excited to be able to offer you all a personal discount from me to you! Everyone who enrolls using my code will get $50 off the total cost of the program! Use the code: JESSE50.

If you would also like access to the FREE getti8ng started checklist, you can grab that by going here!

Trust me, mamas, this is the ultimate VA resource and if you are looking to work from home then this is the program for you. Don’t forget to use my code: JESSE50 to save $50!

Thank you to Ariel & Tianna for sharing their program and I wish you all much success on your biz endeavors! Be sure to share & subscribe before you go, you won’t want to miss a thang! Plus, you’ll get 3 free motherhood quote graphics ready to share on Instagram!

Much Love, JessXO 

Starting a home business as a virtual assistant |

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