What I’ve Learned From Being A Mompreneur

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Hey mama!

Being a mom is crazy, and being a mompreneur is even crazier.  Running a family and a business is no trip to the candy store. It takes real motivation and no lack of plate spinning skills to keep everything from falling apart. So, here are some things that I have learned along the way, and things that help me manage it all.

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What I’ve earned From Being A Mompreneur 

I have been hustling hard as a mompreneur for nearly 9 years now. I have had 4 businesses, this blog being number 4. It’s been a long road,  and I have spent many hours trying to find what works best for me.  My first business was in sales and marketing, which really took me out of my comfort zone as I am not a people person.

I have a lot of social anxiety and have a very difficult time talking to people and interacting with others.  So making cold calls, infomercial-style videos, and going to house appointments was just not for me. I tried my best, but after a solid year of trying, I had to move on and find something I was better suited for.

What I learned though was the ability to push myself, to try and overcome my anxieties and deep shyness.  I learned how to “fake smile” when needed and also how to schedule and plan a work calendar. Things that are crucial for any business.  I still use these skills when I need to and it was my first step into the working world and adulthood. It grew my passion for working for myself and it gave me the motivation to continue being an entrepreneur.

Tech, Social Media, & Business Skills 

My next business was a very short-lived career in medical transcription.  It was a mostly negative experience that turned out to only be a waste of precious time and money. However, the one positive thing I learned was I am not so easily broken. I can survive anything. I had already survived abuse, trauma, divorce, and one failed business, and now this professional failure. I am strong, and I can get through anything this life throws at me.

Next, I started a business as a virtual assistant. I knew that I had finally found something that could work for me. I loved the idea of helping others, and running a business all from the comfort of my home office and in my pj’s!

I took the skills I previously learned as well as taking a course to receive my official “VA license”. I specialized in social media management, which was pretty cool. There are a lot of things I love about social media, and learning more about how to properly use it for business purposes was fascinating.

Those social media skills I still use and continue to grow in for my blog.  Also, all of the marketing skills, writing skills, and techie things I learned from my time as a VA are what I use now to manage my blog. All of my first attempts and failures gave me the exact tools and experience I needed to finally create my blog, the last business, and my true calling.  I learned how to navigate building and managing a website,  run social media, communicate with brands, and of course, with you! I love what I’m doing now and I see so much potential in it. It may take you longer than you expected, and there may be detours, but eventually, you will find what you’re meant to be doing.

mompreneur with laptop | neveralonemom.com

Personal & Other Management Skills

Other things I have learned along the way, is that where there is a will, there is a way. When I needed to fix something I didn’t know how to fix, I found a way. When I didn’t know what a legal business term meant, I figured it out. When I needed to know how to create something, update something, or make something look better, I found out ways to make it happen. I am not the most tech-savvy or internet literate person, so when there is something I don’t understand or know how to do, I find a way to do it myself.

I don’t have the money to outsource or the proper internet connection for tutorial videos, so that leaves me pretty limited when it comes to getting hard things done. So I have it do it the old school way and self teach myself new things.  Reading books, articles, asking people who are in similar careers for answers, etc.

Not being afraid of a task because it is beyond my current level of knowledge.  I know I can find a way, I know I can figure it out.  Being a hard-working mompreneur isn’t easy, just ask Chrissy Weems! Her jewelry business, Origami Owl started small and took a lot of hard work and creativity to make it into what it is now.

Keeping a business running while also being a mom is absolutely the hardest thing a woman can do. But it teaches you how to be great at time management, boosts your creative thinking, gives more freedom and flexibility, and also the know-how to be a true #momboss.  I have learned a lot of things from mompreneur life. I could not keep all the balls in the air without my weekly planner or my dry erase board!

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Summary & Tips 

Staying organized as a mompreneur can be a chaotic task. So learning to be on top of things, writing everything down, and practicing disciplined time management skills has been fun (sarcasm.) But I make it all work, and so can you. My best tip would be to find a system that legitimately works for you. Not just something that sort of works, or that you have to force, makes you stressed or gives me no time for other things. Find your system and go with it.

Keep an eye on your budget, and your goals. Don’t lose sight of what you want to achieve and why you’re starting a home business. Also, don’t forget that being an awesome and present mom is the number one priority. Don’t get so caught up in your to-do’s that you run out of time to give to your kids or to yourself. Rome wasn’t built in a day, and your business won’t be either.

Enjoy the creative freedom that being your own boss gives you, and learn to accept that success has different meanings. For some, success means making a huge amount of money, or becoming famous, or doing really incredible things. But that’s not what success means to everyone. For some, even if their business makes no money, no one knows their name, and their website has only been seen by 11 people, if they did everything they could, worked crazy hard, and made their basic goal happen, then yes, they are successful. You did what you set out to do, it may not have provided the results you hoped for, but that is out of your control. You did your part, you succeeded, and that my friend is what really matters.

Life as a mompreneur | neveralonemom.com
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Much love and good luck juggling! Juggler | neveralonemom.com

Jess XO

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