How To Take The Stress Out Of Christmas

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Hey mamas, and Merry Christmas!

This time of year can be a serious struggle for us single moms. Trying to make Christmas happen for our kids on one income is extremely stressful.  So this year I want to give you some tips to help take away some of that stress so you can focus more on the beauty of Christmas and not how you are going to afford it.

How To Take The Stress Out Of Christmas 

For most parents, Christmas can be one of the most stressful times of year to contend with. Being a single parent, then this will be even worse as you will have to do everything yourself. However, it really doesn’t have to be all that bad. There are things that you can do which will help you take the stress away from Christmas so that you don’t get so frustrated this year. You never know, you might even end up enjoying yourself!


So, are you ready to say goodbye to a stressed-out Christmas and hello to a relaxed one? Let’s get into some brilliant tips that you might want to use to get organized.


Don’t Put The Decorations Up Too Early
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Firstly, if you haven’t already put your decorations up just yet, you might want to hang on for another week or week and a half. You may not realize it, but the earlier your decorations go up, then the more stressed you will be. This is largely down to the fact that the kids will be hyper and excited as soon as they go up. So, if you put your decorations up at the start of December, you have four weeks to handle excited kids!


Write Up A Budget

Another reason why people feel a lot of excess stress at Christmas is that they worry about whether they can actually afford it. To ensure that you don’t end up inadvertently slipping into debt on accident, it’s worth writing up a budget and allocating money to various things, like presents, Christmas dinner, and entertaining. Make sure you don’t overspend in one area otherwise it could cause you to go over in all your budget. Don’t expect to be able to buy much, expectations can ruin anything in your life. Think realistically and don’t get carried away. 

Christmas tree |

Go For Easy Gifts

It’s easy to go over the top when buying Christmas presents for children, but it’s best to try and reign your spending in if possible. Don’t go for anything complicated or that could be expensive to ship to you. Instead, go for easy options like youth soccer jerseys, chocolates, and timeless toys like Lego. These should be easy to find and won’t be too much for your budget. Stay simple and classic. Teach your children not to expect much the same way that you must teach yourself.  That way no one will be disappointed. 

If you are a Christmas card type of mama, then don’t stress over getting a professional photo taken, or buying a bunch of expensive cards to snail mail out. Just do it the fun, and easy way! Create your own personalized Christmas cards online with  Paperless Post to send to all your friends and fam via email or Facebook! Simply upload your picture and get creating! It’s easy, affordable, and stress-free


Prepare As Much Of Christmas Dinner In Advance

Christmas dinner can end up becoming a huge nightmare if you haven’t prepared properly. No one wants to be waiting to eat until the evening, so it’s a good idea to prepare what you can the day before. For instance, your vegetables and potatoes can be prepared and left in pans covered in water. You could even make your stuffing and bread sauce a week or so in advance and freeze it. These then just need reheating on the day.


Set Yourself Free From Expectations

Again with the expectations. If you don’t expect this to be the perfect Christmas, then you won’t have any expectations that can be broken. So, set yourself free from any expectations and you will find that you have a much more relaxes festive season this Christmas. 

How to take the stress out of Christmas, tips for single moms. |

Now it’s time to look forward to the joys of the season!

Be sure to share this post with all your single mama friends and subscribe for more content exclusively for single moms! (And freebies!)

A collaboration

Love, JessXO

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