Travel Tips For Single Moms

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Hey mamas!

It’s not often that we single moms get the chance to travel, but when we do we hope that it will be an exciting, stress-free, and memorable trip.  But in reality, most of the time it is quite the opposite with us just wishing to be back home. So I would like to offer you some tips on how to travel (with your kids!) without losing your mind so you can enjoy more of your little vacay.

Travel Tips For Single Moms

Taking the kids on vacation? Being a single mom shouldn’t stop you. Whilst traveling with kids can be challenging, there are ways to make it easier if you’re willing to do some planning.  Let’s get into the tips for traveling with kids as a single mom.


Start saving early

You’ll be doing all the saving up for the trip – if your kids are old enough that they need their own airplane seat and hotel bed, this could start to get expensive. It’s best to start saving as early as possible. By saving up your money in a high-interest account you can save up more quickly – sites such as can offer advice on the best accounts to use. You could also try saving up spare change in a jar (this could be your spending money).


Look for kid-friendly accommodation

It’s important to find kid-friendly accommodation. Not only will your kids enjoy it more by having more to do, but you’ll be able to enjoy it more as your kids will have enough to keep themselves occupied whilst you relax. You may even be able to find a hotel with a kids club that your children can get to for a couple hours whilst you get some time to yourself (it’s your holiday too, you deserve to relax!). You can find these hotels at sites such as

Single mom on vacation |
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Pack strategically

You don’t want to pack too much stuff – especially if you have young kids, as you’ll be the one carrying it all. Aim to pack fairly light, but don’t skimp on essentials that may make your life easier. If you’ve got an infant, a baby sling is always handy to have so you’re not always reliant on a buggy. Meanwhile, for keeping toddlers occupied on long flights and road trips, consider bringing a tablet with some films/tv shows downloaded for them to watch. When it comes to playpens and cribs – try to look for lightweight and collapsible options that you may be able to pack in a suitcase. Another option could be to deliver them straight to your hotel. Also look into trolley rental at the airport as this will help you to carry numerous bags around.


Consider traveling with friends/family

Your vacation could just be you and the kids, but if you’re looking for a chance to relax yourself you may want to consider traveling with someone else who can help babysit. Make it clear with them that this will be their role on vacation, even if it’s only an hour here and there. Close family may be more than willing to spend some time looking after the kids whilst you get to relax. You could also consider going away with other single parents – you’ll be able to give each other support as you’ll both understand each other’s needs more.

As long as you plan, prepare, and think ahead as much as you can, you shouldn’t have too many unexpected problems while traveling. Make sure you have your credit cards, travel info, passports, ID, and all of those important things together in one area ( like your purse) on you at all times. A cross body bag is perfect for this.  Then, just focus on having fun and creating memories your kids will never forget!

How to travel with kids as a single mom |

Safe and happy travels!

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Much love, JessXO

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