Tools And Resources Roundup For Your Mompreneur Biz

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Hi mamas!

How’s it hangin’? So recently I did a post on the tools and resources I use as a blogger, and I thought I would do a similar post for you mamas who run or are wanting to run a different kind of small business.  So to continue on with my mompreneur series, let’s go over some awesome tools and resources you can use to help you with your mompreneur biz!

Tools And Resources Roundup For Your Mompreneur Biz

Online Tools

So one of the first things you need to be using for any small business is social media. In this day and age, that’s kind of a duh, right? But still, if your business doesn’t have an active presence on social media, it’s time to get on that. Keeping your customers and fans engaged on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter is a very wise move. If you are not very savvy with the world of social media, then I recommend hiring a virtual assistant or social media expert.

Another biggie is staying well connected with your employees and other members of your team. If you are a virtual (online) business then this can be a bit challenging. Look into sites like Go To Meeting for group video chatting.  It’s not complicated to use and best of all, it’s free! 

A fantastic site for managing customer experiences, business information, and overall customer success is User IQ. With User IQ you can track all of your business info and customer engagement. User IQ’s Platform for customer success is a must-have for any business!

For more information on User IQ and to sign up for a free-trial, go here.


Need graphics for your business or social media? Want to create a logo or social media header images? You can create everything from an inspirational quote for your Instagram to a well-designed pin for your Pinterest account and everything in between with Canva! Most of Canva’s designs are free and the site is super easy to use! No design skills needed!

Tools and resources roundup for your business! |


Offline Tools

Are there any relevant business tools that are offline anymore? Yes, of course, there are! Oldschool business tools can still bring in new customers and new fans. Business cards are still an important part of being a business owner. You can use sites like Vistaprint to create high-quality business cards. You get 500 cards for $9.99 and free shipping!

If you need other paper products for your business or even for your mom life, look no further than Paperless Post! From birthday e-cards, invitations, and good old fashioned business flyers check out Paperless Post for all your online and offline paper needs!


Office tools are another duh, but I think they deserve a mention. I am personally kind of obsessed with cute desk and office supplies and tools. Everything from file folders, paper clips, bright colored pens, and decor are great for adding not only a functional item for your office but un design and color! There are lots of fun, trendy, and colorful options for making your desk/office look amazing! I just found some beautiful supplies at the 99 cent store of all places!

And that’s about it! Did you enjoy this roundup post? If you did please give it a share! You can also leave a comment if you’d be so kind!

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Much Love,


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