How To Balance Work And Dating As A Single Mom
Hey mama!
Here on the blog, I have written a few posts about work life and dating life as a single mom and how to best manage these aspects of life, but this post is all about how to balance the two when you already have multiple balls in the air.
Let’s jump right in, shall we?
How To Balance Work And Dating As A Single Mom
There are some things in life that just take up all of our energy. And when you’re a single mom, working for yourself on an extensive career, and still want to dip your toes into the dating pool, you’re going to have a lot on your plate! But that doesn’t mean the whole venture is going to be impossible, and it’s time to get everything you want all wrapped up in a neat package.
If you’re the kind of person who knows you don’t need a partner, but you’d sure like one, this is the post for you. Your kids and your career come first, and now it’s time to feel the love from a happy relationship you never quite managed to have in the past! Here are some tips to get you started.
Find a Dating Method to Facilitate You
And by that I mean no matter the route you go down to find someone who you might be interested in dating, make sure it’s a method for people like you and works on your schedule. For example, if you have the busiest lifestyle of all, which means you’re an online dater, sites like would be perfect for your time and effort. Then there are sites like Tinder, that are not quite for a serious mom looking for a serious and mature man, but it can be fun just to look! 😉
Having people in similar situations to yourself to immediately select from means you’re going to be better understood when you’re trying to get to know each other, and any late responses on messages aren’t going to be misconstrued as disinterest. When you’re dating, that can be the biggest killer of prospective relationships!
Don’t Overwork Yourself
When you’re working, parenting, and then fitting dating in on top of that, you’re probably under the impression that everything needs to have the same time and energy dedicated to it. But that’s simply not true, and you’re just going to burn yourself out. So you need to instead work off of the principle of ‘quality, not quantity and plan your week out accordingly.
That can mean 40% of your time going on work, another 40% on looking after your little ones, and the other 20% going towards the dating field. And there’s a lot you can cram into the 20% of the time you have left here! Awesome dates out at restaurants, walking through fields hand in hand together, or simply just sitting down on the sofa and binging Netflix together. Always focus on what you want to do instead of how much time you’ll have to do it, and you’re going to feel a lot less guilty about missing out.
You’re a busy single mom, and you don’t have time for anything less than awesome. So be wise when planning your dates, not only where you go and what you do, because time away from your children is precious time with them you are losing, but also who with. Don’t forget that your children will be involved in your dating life too. They are your sole responsibility, so make sure you consider and factor them into the possibility of it not working out.
So, Ready For Your Date?
It’s meant to be a fun thing to do, and if you’re ever feeling far too apprehensive or stressed about the idea, it might not be the right time. Don’t feed into other people’s expectations of you; you don’t have to date, and you can be happy just as you are! But if you are ready, make sure you’re putting 110% of yourself into the night out with the other person, it’s what you deserve!
Go get ’em mama!
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A collaboration
Love, Jess XO
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