Wonderful Bedroom Decor Ideas For Kids

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Hello mama!

Today I wanted to bring you a treat for the kiddos, they deserve some love too! So read on for some wonderful bedroom decor ideas!

Wonderful Bedroom Decor Ideas For Kids 

One of the responsibilities of motherhood is looking after our children. Whether it’s nursing them back to good health when they’re ill or surprising them on Christmas day with the toy they’ve been nagging you about for the past few months, we give a lot to our children in order to make them happy and fit for the world.

If you’ve been meaning to treat your child for a while, then giving them a bedroom makeover can transform their New Year and give them something to remember for the rest of 2018. To help you out, I’ve put together a list of wonderful bedroom decor ideas so that you can impress your child and give them a motivational boost to work hard and grow this year.

kids bedroom decor | neveralonemom.com


Step One: Research

Decor ideas will, of course, change depending on your child’s interests and age. If they’re still young then they probably won’t care much for superheroes and dolls, but if they’re a little older (early teens) then they’re going to start asking for more privacy and you could give it to them with some light bedroom renovations or decor changes.

If you want to treat your children, then you need to learn what their interests are. This should be relatively easy but it doesn’t hurt to ask them who their favorite cartoon characters are or what their favorite color is. As their mom who should already know these basics, but it’s a good idea to ask anyway to see if anything has changed. Kids do change their minds a lot!

If you’d prefer not to sneak around and do this as a surprise, then work together with your child to plan the ultimate bedroom renovation for them. Get a scrapbook (a digital or physical one, both work) and start compiling some ideas to help your child get the bedroom of their dreams.


Multifunctional Everything

Making the most of a child’s bedroom will occasionally involve multifunctional furniture. Whether it’s treehouse beds, a nested desk, or even a transformable shelf, having multifunctional furniture can be both fun, interesting, and space-saving. Just be careful of certain types of multifunctional furniture with hinges that could hurt your child if they aren’t being supervised.


Make the Walls Stand Out

Whether it’s wallpaper of their favorite color or cartoon characters or a simple and plain color that they can paint or draw on, like say chalk paint, making the walls stand out should be one of the first things you think about. While it can get messy, giving your child a rather blank design for their wallpaper could give them endless creative pleasure since it means they can paint, draw or put stickers on their wall. If you’d prefer not to get into such a mess, then getting a colorful wallpaper will do the trick.


Bed Linen Designs

Make bedtime special by replacing the linens on your child’s bed with something a bit more colorful, unique, or closer to their interests. Some children want to sleep in superhero pajamas while others are fine getting to bed with a cartoon pillow. My son loves his Spiderman bed set! In addition to just changing the linen, you could also add a couple of plush toys if your child enjoys them.


A New Desk

Have a creative child or a young teenager that loves to use computers? Get them their own desk to make them feel a lot more “professional” and “grown-up” like the adults. You’ll need to get a table that is suitable for their size, but you could invest in an adjustable children’s table so it grows with them. Designing a bedroom that grows with your child can be difficult, but it’s all about having furniture that will scale to their needs as they get bigger. It takes a bit of planning and perhaps more money, but it’s worth it because you won’t need to replace furniture as they outgrow it. Since we homeschool, I am hoping to bring a desk into my son’s room when he’s a little older so he will have his own place to do his schoolwork once he’s ready to do things on his own. 

Kitchen Table STEAM


Storage for Everything

Storage, storage, storage! Your children are going to accumulate plenty of things in the future. Whether it’s toys, books, memorabilia, or games, they’ll need plenty of storage to keep their things. While it’s a good idea to teach your child how to be frugal and live with less, we can’t strip children of their desires to own lots of toys and have lots of things to entertain themselves, to make sure you invest in storage that allows them to hold on to everything that’s precious to them. A basic shelf can work, but hidden storage under the bed or in seating can add lots of “secret” furniture where they can store special items. Just remember not to install too many wall shelves until they’re old enough to reach them because it could cause accidents.

I hope these have sparked some ideas that will help you design the most epic room for your kiddos! I’m sure they will love and appreciate it, have fun & get busy being your own Joanna Gaines of kid’s rooms! 🙂

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A collaboration

Love, Jess XO

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  1. Jackie at Homeschool Super Freak

    January 9, 2018 at 1:45 pm

    Great post! One year, we had decided that we were going to redo the daughters’ (shared) room. They were probably 7 and 11. It was at Christmas, so we created a box and filled it with design magazines, catalogs, paint samples, wallpaper samples, pictures, and more. Then, we put play money in there and a budget sheet telling them how much we were willing to spend total. They had to 1) compromise, 2) design, and 3) budget. It was a great fun learning experience for them.

    1. Jess10

      January 11, 2018 at 4:05 pm

      That’s a really awesome idea!!!

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