10 Things You Don’t Know About Me!

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Hey hey hey, mamas!

How’s it going today? Well I hope! So, I wanted to do a quick fun post telling you all 10 things you don’t know about me! This is a get to know me better post and I hope you enjoy learning these 10 things about me! Let’s get right into it, shall we?

  1.  I’m not a morning person. 

Like…at all. I sleep through them, as often as I can help it.  I am very much a night owl and getting up early just isn’t something my body can do very well. I’ve always been that way. It physically affects me to the point of massive headaches and nausea. So when I say no way to getting up before noon, I mean it!

2.  I’m a lyricist. 

Since the age of 13, I have been an avid lyricist. Music is one of my biggest passions and the art of songwriting is something I have always felt called to do, something that flows through me like nothing else. It’s just part of me. I’m no musician and I can’t sing to save my life, so writing lyrics is what I do. I have written thousands of songs and my goal is to one day have them published to be recorded by artists and have my lyrics sung for the world.

3. I’m a chocoholic. 

Hi…I’m Jesse and I’m a chocoholic….I have had quite the sweet tooth all my life, but it’s been these last few years that I have really fallen off the wagon.  As part of my nightly de-stress and unwind routine I almost always have some sort of chocolatey dessert in hind as I flick on the tv, and cuddle up under my favourite blanket and just kick it until the wee hours. It’s how I find some sort of happiness in my day, a way to end the day on a positive note.

4.  I live on a ranch.

So, if you don’t know this about me already, I live in a very remote area of Northern California.  The middle of nowhere, or the boonies if you like, but I’m definitely out in the country. No buildings, highways, or even very many people around here. It’s over an hour’s drive to the nearest town. Seriously.  My parents own ranch property like most of the folks do out here, and we have 40+ acres of land. We house horses for friends and have creeks, lots of trees, mountains and even a waterfall we like to hike to on occasion. It’s really tough to live in such a remote area sometimes, and I dream for more of a city life, but my situation keeps me here and here is my home. I was born and raised in this house, and the same goes for my son.

5. I homeschool.

It has always been my plan to homeschool my children, it’s something I firmly believe in and love. I was homeschooled growing up and it was perfect for me for so many reasons. My son is currently in the 1st grade and this is our 2nd year of officially homeschooling and some days it’s a huge challenge to get through the day, but then there are other days when it all goes smoothly and there are big smiles on both our faces. I would never consider any other option and we are in it for the long haul.

6. I suffer from depression and anxiety. 

Mental and emotional health is a subject I have touched on a few times on my blog, it’s something very personal for me and I plan on blogging more about it in the future. I have had a very deep depression and anxiety issues my entire life.  It’s not something I bring up often with people, it’s my own personal struggle I keep inside myself. I manage fairly well from day to day but there are times when it’s all consuming and I find myself slumped in front of the tv for hours or days at a time dealing with very dark thoughts, emotions and internal and external pain.  It’s always there, but things trigger it for me and it becomes much more present than an average day when it’s just like a constant dull ache.  I don’t take any medications, that’s not something I feel comfortable with, I live a more all-natural lifestyle, I don’t take or use anything not made naturally from organic ingredients.  I have accepted the way I am and I try to have hope that maybe someday things may look up for me at last.

7. I am a huge geek.

When it comes to things like so-called geeky movies, tv shows or books you can count me in as a fan! My friends think I’m silly and don’t get me but hey, it’s all good. I tend to be rather obsessed with my geeky stuff, I mean you should see my “geek shelf” It’s lined all the way across the wall with books, special and collectors editions of my favorite films, actions figures and more. My biggest geeky passions are all things, J.R.R. Tolkien, Game of Thrones, Star Wars, and many, many more! I even speak a little Elvish…so..yeah, I’m a big geek all right! 😛

8.  I’m writing a book.

Yes, that’s right. For the last 2 years now I have been slowly working on a little novel that I plan to have finished my next summer. It is based on my life and events that took place when I was 18. It was a very complicated time of my life and the choices I made then have changed everything about me and I feel a need to let out some of the emotions I have about it all. It’s been both fun and difficult to write, but I’m proud of myself for making it happen. Now, if only I could think of a title!

9.  I used to be a dancer.

Growing up I was a dancer and I loved it! I wasn’t very good at it, to be honest, but all the passion was there! I fumbled my way through ballet, jazz, tap, and hip-hop for years before turning 18 and my classes ending. Shortly there after I discovered belly dancing and I took to it like a  fly to a horse and fell in love with the amazing art form. I danced with a troupe as well as solo for almost 10 years before I was no longer able to dance. My hope is to one day pick it up again and perform or even just teach!

10. I love my blog!

Bet you didn’t know that! Haha, actually you probably did, but I wanted to make sure!

I hope you enjoyed learning more about me! I want to know more about you too, so please join my tribe of single moms and subscribe to my blog and leave me a comment!

Much love, Jess XO


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  1. Rebecca

    September 19, 2017 at 10:19 pm

    I love this post. I suffer from anxiety and Panic Disorder and so does my older daughter. I home school and that helps her focused on her grades and not on the stress of her walking in to a place that was a trigger for her anxiety.

    1. Jess10

      September 21, 2017 at 6:01 pm

      It’s so hard. That’s so great though, homeschooling is wonderful. 🙂

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