Traditional VS. Natural Kids Vitamins

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Hey mama!

So I think it’s safe to say that we all know the struggle of keeping our little ones healthy, getting them to eat their veggies, and stay out of the cookie jar. Vitamins are perfect for getting that little extra bit of much-needed nutrition into their growing bodies, but sometimes…ok, most of the time it’s so hard to get our kids to want to take them!

When facing this struggle, it’s also important to know exactly what are in these vitamins we are trying to force into our kid’s mouths, so today I want to give you mamas the rundown on traditional vs. natural vitamins for your kids.

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Traditional VS. Natural Vitamins For Kids

So, my son is the pickiest eater on the planet. No, really. He literally won’t eat anything unless it’s coated in bright-colored sugar, so the nutrition struggle is real guys. I have tried pretty much every brand of natural vitamins out there hoping to find one my son will actually like the taste of and eat. Well, the hunt is over. After much research and trial and error, we have success!

Kitchen Table STEAM

Traditional Vitamins 

I have never tried the traditional vitamin brands you find at any drugstore or places like Walmart.  The ingredients lists are shocking! If you actually knew, like really knew what was in them, there’s no way you would let your kids have them.  So it’s time to realize that not everything claiming to be safe and healthy actually is safe and healthy. Here is a list of just some of the bad ingredients found in most traditional vitamin brands.

  • Fructose Syrup
  • Wax
  • Artificial Coloring (Dye)
  • Soy
  • Artificial Flavoring
  • GMOs
traditional vs. natural vitamins for kids |
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With that in mind, we as moms should steer clear of these cheap vitamin brands containing harmful ingredients and look for something more natural and that we can feel better about giving our kids on a regular basis.  I have tried many natural and organic vitamin brands but my son just hasn’t liked the taste of any of them so far, so when I discovered VitaFive I was curious to see if my son would like them or spit them right back out. Low and behold at quite a surprise, he loved them! (Angels Singing)

Why VitaFive? 

So I am excited to share this brand with the rest of you moms so hopefully your little ones and you, (they have adult gummies too!) can try out the delicious vitamins from Vitafive too! What’s so great about them, is that you choose your own customs gummies, need better sleep? More vitamin D, more calcium? Just choose what you need and every 4 weeks your custom gummies in their own little daily packs will be sent to you! (or just shop on Amazon!)

Awesome right? For kids, they have a healthy bones pack, immune pack, probiotics pack and essentials pack! All colorful and delicious using all-natural ingredients! Everything from VitaFive is Gluten-Free, Allergen-Free, and Vegan! Grab the basic Kids Multivitamins right here from Amazon! 

VitaFive Vitamins |

Let’s get our kids on a healthy diet of yummy gummies! You can get some for yourself too!


I hope you mamas enjoy your family’s new gummies and confidence in knowing what’s safe and what’s not in your vitamins!

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Much love, Jess XO

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  1. Veronica Lee

    August 25, 2017 at 9:46 am

    Hi! Stopping by from Mom Bloggers Club. Great blog!
    Have a nice day!

    1. Jess10

      August 28, 2017 at 5:23 pm

      Awesome, thank you! 😀

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