Own Stock With Stockpile!

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Hey hey!

How’s it goin’ pretty mama? Today I want to share with you something pretty darn awesome. Stockpile, a fractional stock site where you can buy, sell and invest in real stock!

Stockpile | neveralonemom.com

Own Stock With Stockpile 

Why is this exciting and why am I telling you about it? Well, let’s take a moment to think about our futures. As single moms, we struggle and work our fabulous booties off to provide the best lives we can not only for ourselves but for our kids. It’s not easy and sometimes it would be nice if we had something a little extra to contribute. Financial security is huge to any family, but especially to us single moms.

With no man of the house to bring home the bacon and provide that security of work it’s all on us. We have to find ways to keep everyone alive all on our own. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if there’s was something we could do now that could have the potential to add a little bit of financial security to our family? Set our kids up for the future by only one small investment, or several? Well, there is!


With Stockpile you are automatically given a $5 gift card to help towards the purchase of your fractional stock. So this means the amount on your gift card is the amount of stock you’ll get. It’s an easy and affordable way to buy into stock from big companies! Want to own a small share of Amazon? You can! It would be a great gift for your kids on their birthday’s or Christmas, or to gift to other relatives or friends! Or just to own all yourself!


“What could be cooler for a money-minded kid than getting a gift card emblazoned with the logo of a hot company such as Apple, Tesla, or Facebook?”

– Consumer Reports


Are you excited yet? I know I am! So what are you waiting for? Get in on this hot tamale train today and get yourself a little piece of something big! You can go right here to get started!

Own stock with Stockpile!

If you have any more questions about how Stockpile works, just click the link above and check out the site! Any questions you have should have an answer in the FAQ’s. 

Bonus tips for all the mompreneurs! If you work from home, use social media as a business, or have a blog or website, you can have all of your design needs met with DesignMantic! 

Free logo design, plus many more services to help you with everything you could ever need for your small business!

You’re welcome & enjoy!

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Love your girl, Jess XO

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  1. bruceschinkel19

    July 3, 2017 at 5:14 pm

    Love this idea! Thanks so much for shedding light on a way for anyone to get involved in investing

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