The Perfect Morning Routine
The perfect morning routine
So I need to confess something, I am not a morning person. Nope, not in the slightest. I avoid them at all costs. But life has a way of forcing me to get out of bed and face the world far before I am ready. So when this happens, which it happens fairly often, having a perfect morning routine is very helpful. I find that having a set routine in the mornings, especially as a mom and entrepreneur, it is key to starting the day right. Whether you are an energetic morning person, or more of a bed bug like myself, I think you can make all of these elements work for you. So here is what the perfect morning routine consists of:
- Wake up to delight. What do I mean by that? Well to really start the day off with positivity, have your coffee already set to auto brew around the time you wake up, so the first thing you smell is hot, delicious, brewing coffee. Also, use a clock radio as an alarm if you need one, so when it’s time to get up your favorite radio station comes on instead of a loud annoying alarm. You can start your morning with music, the smell of coffee and looking out of the window to see what the day looks like and let the light into your room. Sounds perfect already! Here’s a really neat clock radio if you don’t already have one: Clock Radio
- Breakfast. Since breakfast is the most important meal of the day, it matters what you eat. Something healthy, filling, and delicious should be top choice. I personally make either homemade pancakes and top them with berries and whipped cream, or if I’m more crunched for time I whip up a quick superfood smoothie. Fueling up with delicious goodness is the perfect start to the day, I say. For a great pancake recipe click here.
- Do you like to read? I find that reading something encouraging, like a daily devotional, or inspirational book of some kind while eating breakfast and having coffee is the perfect way to put some positive notes into your mind for the day. Or maybe if reading isn’t exactly your thing, just pick up your phone and scroll through some inspiration quotes on Pinterest or even just find some awesome recipes, DIY’s, whatever you like! It’s sure to start you off with a smile and a creative pep in your step! Here are links to some awesome daily reads! Book 1 Book 2
- Next up is getting started on the morning to-dos. Make the bed, feed the pets, brush your teeth and all that jazz. Sometimes putting on an entertaining morning tv talk show, podcast or music helps the morning chores feel less…chore like, more enjoyable and it seems to make everything go faster. Get r’ done! 😉 For a list of the 30 best podcasts streaming right now, check this out.
- Exercise is great for the mornings because it gives you energy for the day at hand. It can be hard to find time to fit in a workout or some type of exercise, the struggle is real! So this is why throwing in a quick exercise routine before you start on the day’s work is so important. Even just 10 minutes is great. Be strong, be fierce and be well. If you need a quick workout to do each morning I highly recommend this one right here! 10 Minute Workout
Now it is time for the day to begin, and you feel ready to tackle anything this day throws at you because you now have the perfect morning routine! I wish you all wellness, happiness and the perfect morning.
Love, Jess XO
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