Shows On Netflix For The Single Mom

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Hey, mamas!

How’s it hanging? I know life can be pretty stressful with youngin’s running around and being super mom and all. So I have put together a little list of some shows on Netflix for us single moms that are most def binge-worthy on those nights if and when you finally get a little time to yourself. These shows will rejuvenate you, inspire you and if nothing else, make you laugh, cry or even cringe.

So get ready to grab your remote and tune into some awesome shows that will help relieve some of that super mom stress I know you’ve got! Here we go…

The Best Shows On Netflix For Single Moms


Netflix shows for single moms |


One Day At A Time
This Netflix original showcases the life of a single mom and her struggles with a twist of humor and a dash of chaos. It’s sure to make you laugh and thank the good Lord you are not her. A fresh take on the original show of the same name, this Netflix version is a must-watch. Add this show now!

This one is a bit older and it’s still one of the best when it comes to showing a powerful single mom making her way through this crazy world. She herself may be a bit nuts, but…aren’t we all!?

Bates Motel
This one is for the brave few of us that want a little cringe and shock factor in our shows. Based on the original story, (Psycho) this show has quickly become as much of a classic as the movies that made the Bates Motel famous. If you’re in for a gruesome tale of mother and son, this one is a must-watch!

Shows for single moms to binge on Netflix! |

Another oldie but goodie, Reba, naturally starring Reba McEntire, is a comedic sitcom all about single mom life in Texas. It’s sure to bring on the laughter and drag out your “ya’ll”.

This hilarious comedy about a single mom played wonderfully by Anna Farris and her relationship with her own mother is one to definitely bring out the heart and gold of the life of moms. Be sure to binge this one tonight!

Gilmore Girls
What would a list of t.v shows be without Gilmore Girls? I’d hate to even think! This show is a personal favorite of mine and I think of like everyone else on the planet…am I right? No matter how many times you watch this amazing show about mother and daughter you immediately want to start over and watch it all again.

So whatever ails you in life, stressing over kids, work, breakups, being broke, fight with a friend, you know that the girls of Stars Hollow will be there for you and help straighten your crown and keep you sane. This show always deserves another binge watch, so why not do it now?

So now that you have your list of the next shows you will be watching on Netflix, what are you still doing here? Go have some much needed you time! But before you go, be sure to subscribe so you don’t miss out on any upcoming content (plus you get free graphics to use on Instagram!)

Love to all you mamas!
Your Girl, Jess XO

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  1. Alexandra

    March 6, 2017 at 5:47 pm

    Ok, so I’m probably the last person on Earth who hasn’t seen Gilmore Girls. Thanks for the reminder. Gonna have to get on that.

    1. Jess10

      March 9, 2017 at 6:17 pm

      Yes you do!!! LOL 🙂

  2. momknowsbest15

    March 6, 2017 at 7:19 pm

    What a great line up on Netflix. I might just have to get Netflix again.

  3. Jax

    March 7, 2017 at 4:27 pm

    Thanks for all the suggestions. I’ve been using Hulu because I’m clueless what to watch on Netflix these days

    1. Jess10

      March 9, 2017 at 6:16 pm

      Yeah! I use Hulu too but Netflix has some great stuff! 😀

  4. thatnoiseismine

    March 8, 2017 at 3:43 am

    Some great picks there! I haven’t seen or heard of One Day at a Time. I might see if we have it on Netflix here in Australia.

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